Friday, October 24, 2008


Are you bored with news networks covering the US Elections ALL DAY?
Is Channel E! (channel 80 on Starhub Cable TV) not SCANDALOUS enough?

then we have just the thing for you! thats right YOU!
PVCCUTTER.BLOGSPOT.COM is proud to present .... *drumroll* FNN!

with our (one and only) star reporter (Nickname: Gossip Boy):

All you have to do is actually FIND the reporter.

Daily FNN Reports:
MORNING (if he doesn't oversleep)
NOON (can even update you during Studio, super efficient)
NIGHT (if he's around, if not can MSN him)

*disclaimer: any resemblance of our reporter to a serial killer is purely coincidental*

with love. <3. 2.40am.

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